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Be Sure to Review the Risk Policy before continuing as you must indicate your agreement to the Association Policy by Clicking the Check Box then Submit

Independent Contractor Certification

The undersigned do hereby certify that I am an Independent Contractor in conjunction with my work as a Referee in conjunction with soccer matches organized and sponsored by Northern Independent Soccer Leagues, Inc. In conjunction with my work, I state as follows:

1. I am not an employee of Northern Independent Soccer Leagues, Inc. I am not entitled to any wages or other benefits which are provided to employees of Northern Independent Soccer Leagues, Inc.

2. As an Independent Contractor, I utilize my own talents, experience and knowledge in conjunction with the discharge of my referee responsibilities with each assignment offered to me by Northern Independent Soccer Leagues, Inc.

3. I am free to accept or reject any soccer match assignment wherein I am asked to act as referee.

4. I am free to offer my referee services to other soccer leagues not affiliated with Northern Independent Soccer Leagues, Inc.

5. I am solely responsible for any and all federal, state and local tax obligations associated with the stipends I receive in conjunction with each soccer match for which I provide professional referee services.

Electronically signed with Registration.

The NISL Soccer Referees (hereinafter referred to as “NISL”) operates as an Illinois Corporation created to provide various platforms for the betterment of soccer.

“Applicant” or “Adult Applicant”- Any individual over the age of 18 seeking affiliation with NISL or NISL affiliated leagues as a referee who will have direct or indirect contact or influence on a youth player.

“Youth Player” or “Player” - Any NISL player registered for the current season with an affiliated NISL league.


Every Adult Applicant shall be required to apply for Membership in NISL using the online application system. As part of the application process, the applicant shall submit the requested personal information and affirmatively authorize the NISL to submit said personal information to an appropriate background check service. Additionally, a similar background check shall be performed at every annual renewal period. Each Applicant shall be subject to and responsible for any processing fee. The Board of Directors shall appoint a Risk Management Committee (hereinafter referred to as “RMC”) consisting of not more than 4 individuals. NISL reserves the right to appoint new members or discontinue the membership of anyone on the RMC with or without notice and for any reason it deems appropriate.


Upon receiving an application for admission to the NISL, a standard background check shall be ordered and reviewed. All background checks that reveal any prior criminal activity shall be forwarded to the RMC. Upon further review, the RMC will render a decision recommending or denying admission to the ISCA. The RMC also has authority to obtain more information on questionable or serious offenses and/or convictions based on the findings disclosed by any criminal history background check(s).

Upon reviewing the results of any background checks conducted, the criminal activities listed below, in whole or in part, may cause the Risk Management Applicant to be immediately disqualified from participation with the NISL all NISL related activities and events, and all NISL affiliated league activities and events. The RMC and the ISCA reserve the right to contact the applicant regarding his or her criminal history in an attempt to gather more information.

All felonies
All crimes, whether felony or misdemeanor, involving minors, violence, weapons, drugs, alcohol, anabolic steroids, or of a sexual nature

The NISL and the RMC have the right at any time to add additional offenses and/or convictions to the list as outlined above.

The RMC analyzes criminal activities produced from criminal history background check(s) with an incident date between the application date and ten (10) years previous from the application date. The RMC also reserves the right to request information about and review and analyze incidents that date back further than ten (10) years, or to review a background check of a broader scope, if deemed necessary. The RMC also reserves the right to perform criminal history background check(s) of greater scope on any NISL Member at any time during the term of membership.


Written notification shall be sent by the RMC to every Adult Applicant who has been disqualified, and to his or her local organization, along with instructions on how to appeal the decision. The disqualified individual has ten (10) business days from the date of the notice of disqualification to submit a written appeal to the NISL Board of Directors. If written notification of the appeal from the disqualified Adult Applicant is not received by the NISL Office within ten (10) days then the disqualification will be final and the Adult Applicant will lose all rights to appeal the decision and forfeit his or her eligibility to participate with the ISCA and its affiliates. The Applicant may re-apply after 1 year.


Any Adult Applicant who has been denied participation in the NISL has the right to appeal the initial decision. To file an appeal, an individual must complete the written Notice of Appeal that is available on-line and submit it along with all supporting documentation to the NISL Board of Directors at the following address:

545 Consumers Ave., Palatine, IL 60074
ATTN: Membership Appeals
If the written Notice of Appeal is not received by the NISL Office within ten (10) business days from the date of the denial letter, the Applicant forfeits his or her eligibility for an appeal. The Applicant may re-apply for membership in 1 year.
The appeal will be heard at the next scheduled Board of Directors Meeting at the NISL Office, or at a special meeting called by the Board prior to the next scheduled meeting. All Board Members present at the meeting may vote with the exception of the any Board member that also serves on the RMC. A majority of the votes shall be required to for the Applicant to be awarded membership. The letter informing the Applicant of the Board’s decision will be sent no later than 10 days from the date of the meeting. The decision made by the NISL Board of Directors is final and will take effect immediately following the notification to the Applicant.

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